You may be interested in Digital or Hybrid pianos?
Digtal Piano
Kawai’s exceptional line of digital pianos is the result of a never ending effort to create the world’s most authentic and innovative digital pianos. Relying on their rich experience in building fine acoustic pianos, Kawai creates digital pianos that offer the finest tone and touch available.
Hybrid piano
For decades, acoustic and digital pianos were positioned on opposite ends of the keyboard instrument spectrum. Acoustic pianos were for the “purists” who would only accept a traditional instrument with non-amplified tone and organic wooden-key touch. Digital pianos were for the “progressives” who coveted the multi-faceted capabilities of the digital realm. Some players found the perfect balance by owning one of each type. But it was only a matter of time before the unique strengths of these divergent directions would converge, allowing players to harness the best attributes of each within a single instrument